BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR Health and Wellness 6 Health Benefits of Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus)

6 Health Benefits of Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus)

6 Health Benefits of Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus) post thumbnail image

Insulin leaf, a medicinal plant with reputed abilities to treat diabetes, plays a crucial role in aiding the body’s insulin production and strengthening pancreatic cells.

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Abundant in essential nutrients, insulin leaf contains high levels of protein, iron, as well as potent antioxidants like tocopherols, beta-carotene, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, and carbohydrates. When extracted into a tea form, this herbal concoction proves beneficial in reducing elevated blood sugar levels. For diabetics, incorporating insulin tea into their diet is recommended as it aids in lowering blood glucose levels. Additionally, insulin tea provides various other advantages, including…

6 Health Benefits of Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus)

1. Preventing and Treating Diabetes

Diabetes can affect young people, generally type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs because the pancreas cannot produce insulin due to autoimmune diseases.

While type 2 diabetes appears due to an unhealthy diet caused by the intake of sugar into the body. An unhealthy diet is uncontrolled such as fast food and sweet foods such as donuts, cakes, and boba drinks.

Unhealthy foods contain excess sugar so there is an increase in insulin resistance which makes the body unable to produce excess sugar properly and there is a spike in blood sugar levels.

Weight loss is generally a symptom of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Other symptoms include hunger and thirst, blurred vision, erectile dysfunction for men and decreased arousal, fatigue, weak muscle strength, mood swings, prolonged wound healing, and increased urine output.

One way to manage diabetes, especially at a young age is to consume insulin tea regularly. Insulin tea contains corosolic acid which has a positive effect on the glucose metabolism process to reduce blood sugar levels.

This compound is useful for transporting glucose into cells and out of the bloodstream. To prevent diabetes at a young age, at least adopt a healthy lifestyle like healthy intake such as coconut oil and exercise regularly. Here are the health benefits of coconut oil for diabetes.

2. Maintain Bladder Health

The function of the bladder is to hold urine produced by the kidneys and expelled from the body through the process of urination. Our bags are very susceptible to bacteria. When the bladder is problematic, it will cause complications such as;

Urinary incontinence is characterized by bedwetting due to weak bladder and pelvic floor muscles. This condition will lead to holding back urination.

Urinary tract infection is obviously characterized by a bacterial infection. These bacteria come from the vagina and anus so they are more common in women because they have a short and open bladder compared to men.

Urine retention, resulting in the patient having difficulty passing urine. Usually, the symptoms that occur are frequent urge to urinate, feeling unsatisfied even though you have urinated, sensation of pain in the lower abdomen, and weak urine output.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. This condition can cause pain that is very uncomfortable for the sufferer.

Bladder cancer is the presence of cancer cells in the lining of the bladder. Common symptoms are usually decreased appetite, the appearance of blood in the urine, painful and burning sensations when urinating, and frequent urination at night.

Seeing the impact caused when not maintaining bladder health, it is highly recommended to consume insulin tea. Insulin tea contains anti-bacterial compounds that can overcome bacterial infections in the bladder.

Other ways to maintain bladder health are drinking enough water, maintaining the health of the genital area, avoiding sitting too long, and exercising the pelvic floor muscles.

Insulin tea comes from insulin plants including herbal cures. Many kinds of health benefits of insulin plant for the body, not only for caring for bladder health.

3. Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is a very dangerous disease because it can develop without any symptoms. It is usually detected when it has reached a severe stage.

Symptoms begin with chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, and a sensation of chest pressure. Cardiovascular diseases that often occur are

A heart attack is caused by a sudden cut-off of blood flow to the heart muscle.

A stroke is caused by a sudden cut-off of blood flow to the brain. This condition causes damage to the brain and death.

Peripheral artery blockage is a blockage of the arteries leading to one part of the body and generally the legs.

Heart failure is caused when the heart is unable to pump blood.

Arrhythmia is caused when the heartbeat is irregular, it can be very fast or slow.

Coronary artery disease is caused by blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle.

This cardiovascular disease occurs due to blockage of blood flow and is linked to cholesterol levels. Less than 200 mg/dl is a normal cholesterol level.

If the cholesterol level is in the range of 200 to 239 mg/dl, it is at a high threshold. And even worse if the cholesterol level reaches 240 mg/dl and even above it is included in the high cholesterol level.

To prevent it, one can do it through exercise. We can get the health benefits of cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular disease is very worrying and it is recommended also to consume insulin tea regularly. With the content contained in insulin tea is very effective for lowering cholesterol levels in the body.


4. Prevents Cancer

Cancer is caused by the growth of cancer cells. The appearance of cancer cells is caused by normal cells that grow and change uncontrollably, damaging other cells and body tissues.

Factors that increase the formation of cancer cells due to genetic factors, exposure to free radicals, chronic inflammation, infection, and unhealthy lifestyle. The growth of cancer cells will determine the severity or what we commonly know as the stage of cancer.

Many health practitioners state that antioxidant compounds can protect the body from the effects of free radicals, one of which is cancer. These antioxidant compounds have an effect in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

One of the food and beverage intake that contains high antioxidant compounds is found in insulin tea also avocado leaves. Find more about the benefits of avocado leaves for cancer. There is nothing starting from now on to consume insulin tea regularly to prevent cancer early on.

5. Maintain Liver Health

Sometimes we like to forget that the role of the liver is so very important in the body to produce proteins metabolize cholesterol and produce bile as a storage place for carbohydrates vitamins and minerals.

In fact, the liver performs more than 500 vital functions. Broadly speaking, the most common functions performed by the liver are

Producing albumin functions as a protein to keep fluids in the blood from leaking.

Air filters, removing toxins, harmful substances, and by-products.

Production of bile, a fluid for the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine.

Removes excess glucose from the bloodstream as well as storage of glycogen.

Storage of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 iron, and copper.

Resists infection, removing bacteria from the bloodstream.

Regulates amino acids and regulates blood clotting.

As informed earlier that insulin lowers glucose levels in the blood. If we consume it regularly in the right amount, it can help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver while maintaining liver health.

We can find insulin in insulin tea, which not only contains antioxidants but also antiviral and anti-bacterial properties that can ward off pathogenic infections in the liver. Consuming insulin tea regularly can keep your liver healthy and functioning optimally.

6. Maintain Digestive Health

The link between digestive health and immunity is profound. When our digestion functions optimally, it bolsters our immune system, shielding us from various ailments such as acid reflux, stomach ulcers, gallstones, IBS, hemorrhoids, Celiac disease, hepatitis, and even certain cancers. Remarkably, about 70% of the immune system resides in the gut tissue.

Key to maintaining digestive well-being are probiotics, commonly known as good bacteria, which play a crucial role in safeguarding the digestive system. A healthy digestive tract ensures efficient absorption of nutrients, subsequently bolstering the immune system.

However, if the digestive system encounters issues and the probiotic levels diminish, nutrient absorption is disrupted, rendering the immune system vulnerable to diseases.

Probiotics are renowned for stimulating the growth of beneficial microflora, which enhances overall nutrition for the body. Notably, insulin tea contains probiotic content, making it particularly advantageous for digestive health. Consistent consumption of insulin tea can be likened to maintaining digestive health, much like how people who love consuming salads benefit from the positive effects on their digestive tract and metabolism through options like mesclun salad.

How to Prepare Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus)

How to Prepare Insulin Leaf Tea (Costus igneus)

If you decide to try Insulin Leaf Tea, here’s a general guide on how to prepare and use it:

1. Obtain Insulin Leaves: Purchase fresh or dried Insulin leaves (Costus igneus) from a reputable source. Some health food stores, herbal shops, or specialty markets may carry it.

2. Wash the Leaves: If using fresh leaves, gently wash them under running water to remove any dirt or impurities.

3. Prepare the Tea: For dried leaves: Place about 1 tablespoon of dried Insulin leaves in a teapot or a cup.
For fresh leaves: Use about 2 to 3 fresh leaves for a cup of tea.

4. Boil Water:
Bring water to a boil and then let it cool for a minute or two before pouring it over the Insulin leaves. Using boiling water can sometimes result in a bitter taste.

5. Steep the Tea: Pour the hot water over the leaves and let them steep for about 5 to 10 minutes. You can adjust the steeping time according to your preference for the tea’s strength.

6. Strain the Tea: After steeping, strain the tea to remove the leaves. You can use a fine-mesh strainer or a tea infuser.

7. Enjoy the Tea: Your Insulin Leaf Tea is now ready to drink. You may choose to consume it hot or let it cool down and serve it over ice. If you find the taste bitter, you can add a natural sweetener like honey or stevia to enhance the flavor.

Remember that using herbal teas, including Insulin Leaf Tea, should not replace or be used as a substitute for any prescribed medication or medical advice for diabetes or any other health condition. Always work closely with your healthcare provider to manage your diabetes effectively and safely. They can offer personalized advice based on your specific health needs and history.

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